Living and farming God's way since 1994
September to October!
Our annual prayer focus book has launched! If you have not yet ordered your copy, please email secretary@amosafrica.net to place an order. Currently only available in Afrikaans which is available for download. Follow along with the thought of the day on our facebook page and let us know what you think.
A network with a dream...
Amos Agrimin is a network of people across South Africa (and Africa) with a dream to see the agricultural sector transformed. As a network we live and farm God’s way, demonstrating His kingdom principles in a practical way.
We want to see everyone in the agricultural sector demonstrating what it means to live and to farm with God’s Way principles.

...to see God's kingdom come in agriculture
We, as Amos Agrimin, facilitate and partner with various agricultural sectors to see the “God’s Way” principles thrive – caring for people and feeding nations.
We believe that God’s way principles will help Africa feed herself. That’s why we focus on training and discipleship so that the people in agriculture can be the carriers of the Kingdom, demonstrating the solutions.
The Problem
South Africa’s agricultural sector is hanging in the balance.

Land Debate
The land debate in South Africa has been a cause of division and much unrest. It has had a dramatic impact on the agricultural sphere and the motivation of commercial farmers.

Food Security
The average age of a South African farmer is above 55, many young people are moving to the cities as farming is too high risk, and farmers are facing regular farm attacks. This is creating a looming crisis and threatening the food security of South Africa.

Next Generation
The hand over one generation to the next remains a challenge. When there is no inter-family transfer, bringing on new farmers is a terf rife with emotion. Also, many graduated agricultural students still don’t know how to farm in practice.
Amos is bringing plausible, sustainable, long-term solutions to the pressing needs of agriculture. These solutions are strategic and not “quick-fixes” as we dream about an agricultural sector that can continue to grow in goodness.

GF4GF Centres
Amos Agrimin founded the first GF4GF Centre in 2011. These are multi-purpose training centres that cultivate young leaders in order to positively impact rural-agricultural communities.

Training & Mentoring
Amos Agrimin is driven to provide training and mentorship in the agri-sector. Amos equips farmers through mentoring and resource development with the tools they need to ensure their farm is a blessing to the community and the employees on the farm. Amos farmers, in turn, regularly equip their workers with training and mentoring programs.

Land Summit
Amos Agrimin was one of the co-founders with New Nation Movement of the first Christ-centred regular land summit. The Land summit seeks to provide practical win-win solutions to land reform in South Africa.

Adama Project
The Adam project was birthed from the generosity of an Amos farmer in the Free State who donated a portion of his farm to training new farmers. The project seeks to give practical farming experience and character development to graduated agricultural students.

Content Creation
Amos Agrimin produces regular training resources on topics relevant to rural-agricultural communities. This includes the annual release of a prayer focus book as well as material on topics such as problem solving and the business of farming.
Watch the latest Land Summit video
This event was a collaboration between Amos Agrimin, Beulah Africa, the Land Summit and other role players who are dedicated to bringing transformation in the form of practical solutions for the Agricultural sector.