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Based on Jesus’ promise and invitation in Mark 11:22-24The Kingdom of God will come – in agriculture too!The King will be honoured and obeyed –
Because everything belongs to the Lord including what you have, all you own is responsibility. This is the fourth implication of this truth. A farmer
We Worship you Holy Spirit, I worship You together with the Father and the Son as the third Person in the Divine Trinity (Matthew 28:19;
Amos Agrimin is deeply concerned about the renewed attacks on farms and the murder of agriculturalists in South Africa. We express our sympathy to every
Die volgende gebed is gebore uit my worsteling met die Here oor grondhervorming. Op grond van die Skrif is ek oortuig dat ons vir en
Here, ons aanbid U. Aan U behoort alle grond en U leer ons hoe om te boer (Levitikus 25:23; Psalm 24:1 en Jesaja 28:23-29). Ons
Die naam AMOS kom uit die Ou Testament. Amos was ’n boer en ’n profeet. Hy het gewaarsku teen vormgodsdiens, onreg en uitbuiting. Hy het verkondig dat
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